Help my compost pile! (Quick fix)

Yikes!  I found a compost bin with uncovered materials. I guess if you don't have neighbors nearby, there's nothing wrong with feeding the local critters... however, we can really put the pile to work by simply piling on the browns to balance the contents and insulate it. Luckily there's no shortage of cover materials... right next to the bin! Better yet, they're all damp. Five minutes later: Much better!  Mission accomplished.

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Poultry mortality compost tumblers? Wow- I didn't know that there were compost tumblers specifically designed for poultry mortalities... these things look pretty sturdy! This isn't an ad of any kind- was just surfing the web for new composting videos and this one was pretty funny... I wonder how much livestock gets incinerated instead of composted. Obviously, composting livestock is the preferred sustainable option by a mile- it makes our soils healthier while avoiding the nasty emissions of both incineration and landfilling.

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