How to Collect a Soil or Compost Sample   It really is that simple, right? Dig just under the top layer in a few spots, dump into a bag. While I'm not going with this particular lab, I was doing some comparative research on techniques although there's not much to it. I got my cooler packs, my quart-sized ziploc bags and a trowel. I'm going to take a sample from the middle, but I'm more interested in the materials that are on the outer edges of the pile. These particular areas are where it's not as likely that the higher register of thermophilic activity was able to reach. I'm still not worried, but I'd like to make my test as honest as I can get it.  The stuff from the center of the pile will be thoroughly…

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Wilmington Organics Recycling Center (video)

httpv:// This is the best video showing how a commercial composting facility handles their stuff. Keep in mind this is a $20 million facility complete with 2 ton Goretex tarps and capacity of 500+ tons a day.  Wow.  I know of a few customers of theirs that are quite happy with their stuff, and I've been a recipient of their finished product and we saw how that did...remember? One thing that I always wonder can they tell if their wood waste contains creosote or CCA, or was formerly used in phytoremedial projects?  Would the critters in the pile break down that nasty stuff?  Compost is a cheaper disposal route per ton than the landfill for most (within proximity to a facility, of course)... so wouldn't that tempt more unnecessary…

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