Compost Tumbler Sighting!

I was out for a walk and I saw this compost tumbler tucked away in a little park... I've seen plenty of dual-chamber composters before, but not this one. I hopped the fence to take a closer look at it- it's a pretty nice design, although I wish it were larger. It had drain holes on the corners, which is great especially for a tumbler since they tend to get over-saturated too easily. I'm stoked they have a composter on site... we need a lot more of that.

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Compost Tumbler Sighting!

Have you ever seen one of these compost tumbler models before?  This cute little compost tumbler was spotted in Charlotte, NC.  Before I opened it up, I had a feeling it would be filled with sludge, due to what looks like a lack of airflow design...where are the holes?  More on that in a moment. Look at that cool little marking on the lid to denote whether the unit was open or closed...nice.  While it snapped into place quite easily, I wonder how many times I can do this before wearing it out.  If the locking mechanism failed, the tumbler would become useless as it flips end over end by design. How were the contents? The material in here looked pretty nice...crumbly and smelling good.  The only airflow design was…

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