120 degrees and the worms are still here!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFSUG0tg6q8 My Envirocycle compost tumbler is cooking at about 120 F, and the red wigglers are still hanging in there- wow! I added two red wigglers several months ago, and now I have tons of them. I didn't think they would last, let alone multiply, let alone stick around when the compost is cooking. If they wanted to leave, they could exit through the air holes or the drainage vents... I'm really surprised they're hanging around. How much longer will they last? We'll see...

Continue Reading120 degrees and the worms are still here!

Collecting Worm Castings…and the Other Stuff, Too.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xg0h4-vLz0Q Emptying the Worm Inn vermicomposting system is a breeze- check out the gorgeous castings!  I don't miss my old worm bin at all. The contaminants are pretty funny, too- a few fruit labels, a shredded envelope window, and some uncrushed eggshells didn't make it. Sifting out the extras is easy when using a basket with 1/4" to 1/2" spacing. Are you getting the results you'd like with your worm bin or outdoor composting system?

Continue ReadingCollecting Worm Castings…and the Other Stuff, Too.