Lots and Lots of Worm Poop – Now What?

It's been six months since I've emptied the Worm Inn system- I admit I forgot about the worms for a bit, but now I have a ton of castings. Every time I empty the Worm Inn, I'm always so impressed with the quality of the castings compared to the results from a standard worm bin. When looking at the outlying "contaminants", it's like looking back in time at mistakes that were made- as you can see, I have a few! I'm such a stickler about removing labels from fruit, but I guess I wasn't on a few occasions.  Luckily, these are easy to spot. 2. All those plastic shreds were clearly from an envelope that has a plastic window.  I like to shred my paper, but I must have shredded…

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Worm Inn MEGA Review

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpWnZP0YDbU The Worm Inn MEGA is the latest improvement on the original Worm Inn system. With this system you can turn huge quantities of organic materials into worm castings fairly quickly, without the hassle. Simply add a layer of shredded cardboard, some shredded paper, a dash of leaves and of course food scraps. Let the material sit for a week while you order the red wiggler worms for the system. One to two pounds of red wigglers is plenty to get started while you get the hang of their behavior. From there, it's as easy as adding your food scraps each week and removing fresh castings from the bottom via the drawstring opening (initially this will take a few weeks). This system reigns superior over the others simply due to…

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Worm Wonderings #1: can you compost waxed paper?

For fun, I decided to add some wax paper items to my worm composting bin: I decided to add a Jimmy John's sandwich wrapper and some little blueberry muffin cake things left over from Thanksgiving I forgot about. Seriously messed up on that one- my mom makes killer food. Sorry mom!  I'll let you know if the worms like it (they did, but not the wax paper). Oh- did you know that the majority of "paper" cups you see contain a plastic liner in them? If your finished worm castings seem to have bits of shiny plastic in them, and you put a paper cup or two in the worm bin, chances are the remnants are what's left from the cups. Vermicomposting is fun, but I always go back to…

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