US Restaurants Recycling Without Reservations (article)

More than three out of five U.S. restaurants recycle glass, cardboard, paper and other materials, which scores big points with their customers. Nearly two-thirds of patrons want to eat at restaurants with recycling programs in place, according to a new survey from the National Restaurant Association. Eighty-five percent said they'd even lend a hand by sorting quick service recycling items into the appropriate bins, if provided. "Patrons want to go to these places that recycle," said Chris Moyer, the NRA's director of Conserve Solutions for Sustainability. "I can't put a dollar sign on that goodwill, but there is a value there." Restaurants most frequently recycle paper and cardboard, while 13 percent said they compost their food scraps, a finding that surprised Moyer. "What's encouraging about it is that it's something…

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