Want to learn how to compost? Watch these short clips below.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t24C4cgxHAc&feature=emb_logo Want to learn how to turn your food scraps into compost? Check the quick video above where I show you the pros and cons of the top three composting methods out there- the compost bin, compost tumbler, and trash can composter. Each of these can quickly turn your food scraps into healthy soil to add to your garden. If you’re like me and you don’t have space for a garden, you still reap the benefits of cutting back on what goes to the landfill- nearly 50% of landfills consist of organic materials that can be composted! If you’re looking to keep your costs down and space is limited, here’s how to compost using just a trash can: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0EPnJJw198 If you’re looking for something a little nicer than a pair…

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How do I know when compost is ready?

When is compost ready? I add to my cubic yard sized compost bin for a year, then I let it sit for a year. At that point, I scrape away the top layer and underneath is a bunch of the earthy, crumbly stuff- it's awesome! How do you know when it's ready? Here's a few thoughts: -The longer you let compost sit, the further it will break down. -Remove any bits that don't belong, such as produce labels or bits of plastic that made their way in. -Toss any unfinished organic materials in your next compost pile. -It should smell earthy (good!). -The particle size is up to you- sift and screen it down to the size you want... my screen is about 1/2" spacing.

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Collecting Worm Castings…and the Other Stuff, Too.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xg0h4-vLz0Q Emptying the Worm Inn vermicomposting system is a breeze- check out the gorgeous castings!  I don't miss my old worm bin at all. The contaminants are pretty funny, too- a few fruit labels, a shredded envelope window, and some uncrushed eggshells didn't make it. Sifting out the extras is easy when using a basket with 1/4" to 1/2" spacing. Are you getting the results you'd like with your worm bin or outdoor composting system?

Continue ReadingCollecting Worm Castings…and the Other Stuff, Too.