Collecting Worm Castings…and the Other Stuff, Too. Emptying the Worm Inn vermicomposting system is a breeze- check out the gorgeous castings!  I don't miss my old worm bin at all. The contaminants are pretty funny, too- a few fruit labels, a shredded envelope window, and some uncrushed eggshells didn't make it. Sifting out the extras is easy when using a basket with 1/4" to 1/2" spacing. Are you getting the results you'd like with your worm bin or outdoor composting system?

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Lots and Lots of Worm Poop – Now What?

It's been six months since I've emptied the Worm Inn system- I admit I forgot about the worms for a bit, but now I have a ton of castings. Every time I empty the Worm Inn, I'm always so impressed with the quality of the castings compared to the results from a standard worm bin. When looking at the outlying "contaminants", it's like looking back in time at mistakes that were made- as you can see, I have a few! I'm such a stickler about removing labels from fruit, but I guess I wasn't on a few occasions.  Luckily, these are easy to spot. 2. All those plastic shreds were clearly from an envelope that has a plastic window.  I like to shred my paper, but I must have shredded…

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Summer Worm Composting: So Far, So Good

I've been enjoying the Worm Inn Mega this summer with no issues, and it's simply due to having ample cover material. The Worm Inn Mega is big enough for there to be plenty of cover material to begin can really load it up to prevent flying pests and also keep the worms busy. I actually have a hard time filling it up because the worms are just mowing through the material- Capacity really makes the whole process a lot easier. I just realized that you might not have heard about this system... Have you seen the Worm Inn Mega yet?  Check out my dorky review below for more information... this is my top recommendation for those of you out there looking to compost at home but lack the outdoor…

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