Vermithought for the day

One of the best things I ever did to improve my vermicomposting process was putting my weekly food scraps in the freezer for a few hours before adding them to my Worm Inn later. It'll keep the bugs down and it'll help decompose the scraps a bit more through the freeze/thaw activity. If you're having bug issues in the summer, I recommend checking out my video How to Make a Fruit Fly Trap For Under Two Dollars . How are your worms doing? Maybe it's time for a video.

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Collecting Worm Castings…and the Other Stuff, Too. Emptying the Worm Inn vermicomposting system is a breeze- check out the gorgeous castings!  I don't miss my old worm bin at all. The contaminants are pretty funny, too- a few fruit labels, a shredded envelope window, and some uncrushed eggshells didn't make it. Sifting out the extras is easy when using a basket with 1/4" to 1/2" spacing. Are you getting the results you'd like with your worm bin or outdoor composting system?

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