Visiting the Family…and Their Carbon-Rich Back Yard

Thanksgiving was a lot of fun- visiting my parents' house out in the sticks was great. I really envy the variety of materials they can compost- tons of leaves, dead plants, weeds, pine needles, mosses... most of these items are hard to come by in my neighborhood. I wish I had my camera- I ended up building up a compost pile for my mom with the food scraps from dinner and huge piles of the aforementioned materials... I was tempted to get a garbage bag and bring a bunch of it home with me! Man, I screwed up... hope I get to go home for Christmas.

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Organics Dumpster

I was just thinking about Vancouver again... check out this stylish dumpster! Unfortunately every time I saw one of these it was locked shut and I couldn't pick them open. I guess if the compliance is good, this thing would either start cooking or get really anaerobic due to lack of air circulation. Either way, what a unique dumpster!  I hope to see more compost collection systems in place sooner rather than later.

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