Compost Tea Field Trial Rained Out & Why We No Longer Plan to Use AACT I'm honestly not surprised that he hasn't found any substantially well-done research pointing to compost tea benefits. While I admit I've never been hellbent on making or using compost tea, I can quickly understand why there's so many variables involved to create effective tea. Compost itself has sufficient beneficial microbes to give plants what they need. It seems to me that it's too easy to create compost tea that's overpowering and can actually harm your plants. At the same time, if you're simply adding FINISHED compost to a bucket, adding water, stirring it and adding it to your plants, I don't see the harm in that. It appears to be a common mistake to use compost leachate as tea, which obviously is a complete risk since it's not liquid…

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Best Source of Carbon for Composting in a City Without Trees & Leaves I'm very lucky that although I live in an urban area, I have trees that drop tons of leaves right outside my door. If you're not this lucky, you may have to go out hunting for leaves...they work better than any other material for balancing out your food scraps in the compost pile. Plan B involves paper and cardboard- be sure to avoid allowing tape to get in the mix or you'll be picking it out later. He mentions pine pellets- I've never tried these and I have no clue where a feed store is, but I'm going to look.  I'd suggest finding a wood shop instead and asking for their sawdust. Piles that are sawdust intensive might not yield the best compost ever, but it will get the…

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