My Life With Worms by Bentley Christie (review)

  I've been following Bentley Christie's Red Worm Composting site for quite some time now, just reading over the material and watching videos to prep myself for suddenly owning 1,000 pets. Other than the first night where nearly every worm in the bin tried to escape (I realized there weren't enough air holes!), it's been a breeze maintaining them and watching them multiply. His expertise certainly helped me become a professional in short time, and I thank him for that. His writing style is a trip, and I've been begging him to write a guest article for this page for quite some time (feel free to harass him). When he told me he was near completion with writing a book, I was thinking to myself "finally, the end-all be-all worm…

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Righteous Rain Barrels

Do you ever notice how nearly every website that features composting equipment also has rain barrels for sale?  I know it's all gardening related, but I guess I never think about rain barrels when I'm feeding my worms or composting Sun Chips bags. However, I have been looking around for an empty barrel for quite some time.  The only ones I ever seem to discover are always caked in kitchen grease or sludge, neither of which is fun/easy to clean.  If I were to find a nice barrel, then I'd have to get borrowing some pretty decent equipment in order to outfit it with proper parts.  Rain barrels seem pretty simple, yet they require some time and thought to design them right. Then I discovered Travis Skidmore, who builds sweet…

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