Lots and Lots of Worm Poop – Now What?

It's been six months since I've emptied the Worm Inn system- I admit I forgot about the worms for a bit, but now I have a ton of castings. Every time I empty the Worm Inn, I'm always so impressed with the quality of the castings compared to the results from a standard worm bin. When looking at the outlying "contaminants", it's like looking back in time at mistakes that were made- as you can see, I have a few! I'm such a stickler about removing labels from fruit, but I guess I wasn't on a few occasions.  Luckily, these are easy to spot. 2. All those plastic shreds were clearly from an envelope that has a plastic window.  I like to shred my paper, but I must have shredded…

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No-Rules Compost

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSIIEn1abc8 This dude makes a great point about composting that I've never heard anyone say before: "...success seems to be that people will continue to compost...or in other words that the rules are there to help people avoid things that might stop them composting." YES. My focus is to get people to avoid the landfill and minimize displacement of necessary nutrients...I don't want people to be misled about what is critical for our society to sustain itself. Composting is made easy with a few basic tips, but "No Rules".  :)

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