11 Compost Facts (…according to Minecraft)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3dILHK2EoY 11 Compost Facts- nice!  I'm always trawling the web for new composting content and found this trippy video. I've never played Minecraft but I've definitely heard of it... I stumbled on this "composting video" and it had me dying! If you're a composter and aren't familiar with Minecraft (like me), this video will trip you out. "Composters can be used to recycle food and plant items"... "however it doesn't work with meat"? Come on Minecraft, meat is absolutely positively compostable, ESPECIALLY in the compost bin that they have. This is too funny...

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Exposing Composting Myths (Marketplace video)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iywG7SU_C6M The gross overuse and misuse of single use plastic (essentially any plastic, as far as I'm concerned) needs to stop. Grocery stores are one place that brings the issue into focus- try shopping plastic free... it's possible, but it can feel limiting if you're not prepared. Compostable plastics, while only slightly better, are not the answer to the problem. Stay tuned for the end with the classroom exercise- ouch!

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