Live Free or Die DIY: How to Build a Composting Toilet

httpv:// Not a bad start, but some questions are definitely coming up for me. Is this also his pile for food scraps?  Is he dampening the other materials?  How long does he add material to this hole? I guess if you have enough space you can just keep digging holes and burying, but with one big compost heap, he can keep it simple and get better results.  

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Will This Compostable Bag Disappear in a Year?

I ran out of recycling bags yesterday at home, but I found two 2+ year old compostable bags that I was hoping I could use instead.  As soon as I started opening one, it ripped in half! I guess that's to be expected... compostable bags don't have the shelf life that standard plastic does. Anyway, I didn't have much use for them now so I decided to throw one in my compost bin. Next weekend, I will be halting my additions to the compost pile for one year, while I start bin number 2.  For those of you not aware, I have been following the Joe Jenkins method of humanure composting over the last year. Since I started this composting method, my piles have gotten much hotter than ever before. …

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