Compost Toilet System (video)


In the spirit of humanure composting, I started looking at other videos on Youtube besides those created by the master Joseph Jenkins to see what’s happening.

After reading Humanure Handbook twice, it was interesting to see this system in place and wonder where they adapted it from.

My main question is simply why they go to all the trouble of having dozens of buckets sitting around with small quantities of material in them when they could just build two 5’x5’x5′ compost bins and do it that way instead.  Either way, composting is composting and it’s great to see this going on.

Also, regarding their compost toilet, she mentions the only odors being from when there’s too much urine…this can simply be solved by adding more cover materials.

I started humanure composting recently, and my main challenge has simply been collecting enough cover materials (sawdust, specifically).  Once I can get a good sawdust hookup, I can finally devote myself entirely instead of every once in a while.  Unless you have a good supply of cover materials, the process will not work.

I’ve even started feeling funny when I use the toilet now… I’ve been viewing each dump as an opportunity lost, so I know I’m hooked!  After only adding one 5 gallon bucket’s worth of humanure to my compost pile, the temperature shot up to just shy of 130 degrees within a few days and stayed there, which is simply awesome.

By the way, if you haven’t read Humanure Handbook it will truly throw your head for a spin, which is always needed.  The first chapter is super heavy and a great reality check, and the best is how thoroughly researched it is to back it up.  It’s right up there with Rubbish! as being my all-time favorite book for sure.  I guess I should write a full-on book review to really hit it home how essential this book is…

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