From time to time, I like to look around online for new composter designs that companies are selling. Enter the Ecomposter. This is definitely one of the weirdest models I’ve seen in quite some time:
The Ecomposter, besides having a rather uninteresting name, seems to have garnered some attention…by the looks of it on Amazon
, most of it is negative. Hardware that rusts right away, a pain in the ass to assemble, aeration tubes that get in the way of emptying the unit, the list goes on.
I guess I’m not all that surprised. At first glance, I imagined it would be huge, although the specs read just 32″ cubic inches. I prefer to “fall into my tumbler” to spin it easily, as opposed to something that’s high off the ground making tumbling difficult (and essentially wasting space beneath it).
Further, since there’s holes all over it, that means that leachate from the composting process will just drip out all over the place instead of in one focused spot. I have a hunch it’ll get on your hands and leave a nice non-earthy smell for quite a few washes, too. Woohoo!
With a little more searching, I see that there’s a newer model that has been lowered to the ground…no more funky spider legs. Good move. I’m really curious to how this tumbles when it gets full, as there’s no visible grips on it.
The aeration tubes are still present, making emptying the thing a little trickier than it needs to be. However, maybe it makes compost even quicker this way, if time is an issue for you…not sure. I see the logic behind having the tubes to help air flow, but it’s a big trade off for ease of emptying the unit, according to customer feedback I’ve seen thus far.
It appears that this unit is still a work in progress…heck, if it gets a lot of people to start composting, I’m all for it…kind of. I can see a lot of people just getting pissed off at this thing and rolling it off the nearest cliff. That’s the last thing I want is someone giving up on composting because they thought this thing was the way most people did it.
The Envirocycle is still the best compost tumbler. This one is still the funniest.