Everything You Know About Composting is Wrong: Mike McGrath at TEDxPhoenixville (video)


Super good video by the excellent entertainer Mike McGrath.

I read Mike McGrath’s Book of Compost a while back, and I honestly didn’t expect him to be adamantly opposed to adding food scraps to compost piles.  I wonder if he’s saying that to avoid any conversation about what food is good or not good for your pile…I would understand that to an extent.

Then again, I’ve learned over the years and I’m quite happy where I’m at with throwing absolutely everything in one pile and letting it do what it does.  It works!

I’ll have to try his massive pile made strictly of shredded leaves and coffee grounds.

I also like his comment railing against layering your materials…it’s true!  Just toss stuff in and mix it up.  No need for a layer of browns then a layer of greens.  While I don’t know how severe the difference is, the point stands that less thinking is better.

Time to get back outside and hoard more leaves. 🙂

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