Humanure Compost Toilets at a Music Festival


The commentary on this one is unanimous: Compost toilets worked wonderfully, even at a 500 person music festival.  I wonder what to do when you have a festival somewhere that doesn’t have a spot for a compost pile nearby…perhaps a pile that stays on a flatbed?

Compost toilets don’t smell.  Use sawdust.  It masks the smell best, and it smells good as it is.

Compost toilets don’t use nasty chemicals like what is found in your typical porta-potty.

There’s little to no bugs.  After several days of using porta-potties, the smell and amount of bugs is pretty nasty.

This video was five years ago…I wonder how many other events have taken on this system… if this doesn’t sell you on how great humanure composting is, I don’t know what will.

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