My question for Sonoma Compost first of all, is why they don’t accept meat and dairy (or cardboard???). They must have specific recipes.
This seems kind of crazy as there’s absolutely nothing wrong with composting this stuff, and they have plenty of massive windrows that must be generating hefty thermophilic temperatures.
I’m not surprised they don’t accept compostable plastics.
It’s such a drag that they haven’t been a great solution so far, but they just haven’t.
Reportedly there have been a few companies selling their “compostable” plastic bags to use that ended up not being compostable at all… what a mess.
Anyway, John makes a lot of good points in this video.
Minimize your plastic consumption.
The easiest way to sum up what he’s saying: Aim to create compost with little to no plastic in it. Aim to acquire compost with little to no plastic, but if it has a piece or two in it, don’t freak out about it.
My views have changed on this topic recently, as I’ve been reading more about microplastics in compost. I plan on writing a few reflections on this topic.
If I was forced to make up a new year’s resolution (which I never do), it would be that I’m not going to experiment with picking out plastics anymore. I’ll screen out the plastic remnants from food packaging the best I can, but I’m not going to add any new plastic-coated items going forward.