Not having A/C in the house during the warmer months lends to lots of bugs being in the house, and creates a bad situation for kitchen composting.
I tend to put my scraps either right in the worm bag or out in the yard, but I never leave them sit out for long in the kitchen. I found that putting food scraps in the freezer is a good technique for when I’m feeling extra lazy as well.
I’ve decided to revive the first video I made for this website again (time flies!), to show my perspective on having a dedicated kitchen composter:
I don’t think they’re really that necessary, but they look nice. Other than that, I don’t have much to say other than I think the charcoal filter is excessive. I can’t imagine how long it would take to have that container sit in your kitchen unemptied that you have serious decomposition going on.
Bottom line is that if you use one of these that you should empty it weekly at minimum.
I saw your video on YouTube today and immediately ordered the Envirocycle composter (can’t wait until it’s delivered). Of course, your video led me to your website.
You’ve got some great stuff here. I’ve got one question, though. Have you tried Bokashi? I recently learned about that too and have made a Bokashi bucket for my kitchen scraps. I’m waiting for my Bokashi mix to be delivered so I can actually start using it.
I’m thinking that Bokashi might be the answer to smelly kitchen scraps. I’d be interested in your thoughts.
Oops, after further reading on your blog, I see that Bokashi isn’t your preferred method for composting. Guess I’ll have to give it a try and report back at a later date.
Hey Felicia,
Good look on the Envirocycle! Let me know how it goes and if you have any questions.
As for Bokashi, I really don’t know much about it… I’m trying to get a Bokashi system for review from the company, but no such luck yet. I’ve heard good things about it, actually. For me, I don’t like the idea of having to pay every other time you make a batch of it, but I’ve also seen recipes for making your own Bokashi…that would change the game, wouldn’t it? Let me write them again…