Anaerobic Composting – How Does It Work?

httpv:// Anaerobic composting is a simple and fun alternative to the usual composting methods, such as using a compost bin, a tumbler, or worms.  While it may be the easiest way to do it, it takes a really long time to finish. All you need is two thick black garbage bags, a bucket to measure out the contents and some water.  Add equal parts shredded food scraps (no meat/dairy/seafood), soil+some finished compost, and "brown" materials (shredded leaves, shredded paper).  Add some water to get the material damp, but not completely soaked.  Tie off the bag, then put it inside the other garbage bag and tie that off, too.  All done! This process is often said to finish within 6-8 weeks, but based on my findings here, I'm willing to bet…

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