A Tale of Two Bins (article repost)

Originally found at: https://foofycrafts.wordpress.com/2015/03/13/a-tale-of-two-bins/ Recently Hannah wrote a post on her experience with getting started composting and linked to my video.  I thought I'd repost her blog here. If you try the bucket method and it doesn't appear to get results, try using a larger container such as a trash can.  The bigger the vessel, the better your results will be. Anyway, here's her post.  Keep up the good work, Hannah! It’s amazing how much waste we can generate in a single day. Throwing out that old toothpaste tube, wiping down the sink with a paper towel, grabbing coffee in a to-go cup, unwrapping a protein bar. Wow. That’s only the beginning! We go through the day and leave little bits and pieces of our waste everywhere. We pass myriads…

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How to Compost in an Apartment (video)

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7IM5sWl9GY I found this cool composting video that involves using a khamba, or series of 3 terracotta pots that you rotate as they're filled up with material.  This reminds me of a stacking tray vermicomposting system, but for composting. They look beautiful, too!  If I had this on my balcony, no one would know what they were for, unlike my kitty litter buckets. One interesting tidbit in there was when buttermilk was mentioned as a source of microorganisms to get a fresh compost pile activated...I'll have to try that one! I think this looks like a project that could be easily taken with 3 5 gallon buckets and lids:  Fasten the lids on two of the buckets, cut out the lid except for the outer 2 inches or so, and…

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How to Make Balcony Composting Even Easier in 15 Minutes or Less

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deHIIGUiC8s A guy by the name of "travelsignguy" often comments on my Youtube videos, offering feedback and suggestions.  Last week I posted the video "How to Start Balcony Composting in 15 Minutes or Less", and he made a great process improvement suggestion right away. I know I don't like turning compost, and I don't think anyone does.  He suggested to add a third bucket to alternate with the top bucket in the system.  Perfect! In other words, drill holes in a third bucket on the sides and bottom, then each week dump the bucket with composting material into the empty bucket, and put that one into play.  By doing this, you're effectively tumbling your compost.  The material is being completely overturned, and this is a great oxygen exchange as well.…

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