Three Types of Compost Heaps Rodale videos are always straight to the point and honest- they don't tell you to avoid composting meat, dairy, oily stuff... they just tell you to provide ample cover material and you'll be fine. Love it! It's true- most how to compost videos focus on what not to do and tend to be overly cautious. While I appreciate that, the reality is that all organic material will break down. The answer is always the same- dig a small hole in the center, add your stuff, cover it back up and add twice that amount in cover materials. Done! I like that he reviews several different types of commercially available composters and quickly points out the issue with them- they don't meet the cubic yard minimum. They're still perfectly good composters, but they don't meet the minimum size for quick efficient compost. I say the uglier, the better... bins made from pallets and wire aren't nice to look at, but make the best compost for the least money.