A Steaming Compost Volcano!

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOELM8V7p74 Wow! This is one steaming hot pile! I hope his dog didn't really eat some of the compost and barf it up in the house. With that much space and material, he should try having one pile just sit there unturned, and another pile of equal size right next to it, getting turned every few days like he does.

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MIgardener Update Marathon – Compost Pile (video)

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6UnBmG-Xhk Great video of a super simple compost pile doing what it does...love it! Based on such a huge volume of leaves and grass (I'm jealous), that alone is enough to get hot composting in action.  I have a feeling his pile was hotter than the guesstimate of 90 degrees. If he was right, however, he could definitely help out his pile temperature by adding humanure to it... :)

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Anaerobic Composting – Is It Worth It?

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPQ4U4vtWd4 Anaerobic composting is a simple and fun alternative to the usual ways of composting, which include using a compost bin, a tumbler, or worms. While it may be the easiest method, it takes a really long time to finish and it has different environmental consequences...more on that in a moment. A popular method I've read about is to use two thick black garbage bags, a bucket to measure out the contents and some water. Add equal parts shredded food scraps (no meat/dairy/seafood), soil+some finished compost, and "brown" materials (shredded leaves, shredded paper). Add some water to get the material damp, but not completely soaked. Tie off the bag, then put it inside the other garbage bag and tie that off, too. All done! This process is often said to…

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