Skeletons in my Compost!

I stopped adding to my "cured" compost bin just over a year ago- it's had plenty of time to cure, cool down and break down. It's strange how compost piles age- all the non-compost stuff seems to bubble up to the surface, like tires rise to the surface in a landfill. Can you guess what this glob of green stuff is in my hand? It's the remains of a compostable garbage bag. Where's the rest of it?  Has it degraded safely and completely?  What's up with the stuff in my hand?  What other stuff is in here? I really don't remember what I put in my compost pile... I'm making that pledge right now that when I empty this one and start it all over soon, I'm keeping a clipboard…

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Compost and Egg Boxes My respiratory system is crying watching him breathe in all that dust! I bet his air quality is still compost-loads better than mine here in the city, though... Key takeaways: -Compost piles need moisture to get started. -Volume is critical to successful, high quality compost.  

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Easy Low Cost Composting with Free Coffee Grounds and Wood Chips

httpv:// Great video, but I have a few concerns: He mentions not adding meat to the compost pile... just add it. Meat and dairy products are absolutely compostable, and although he mentions needing a hot pile to do so, interesting enough those very items heavily contribute to creating heat within a compost pile! As long as you have at least double the amount of brown materials as you do food scraps/meat/dairy products, you'll be fine. This dude has plenty of energy and a large pile able to handle any meat he may have. Also- I've never seen someone add so much dirt to a compost pile... while there's nothing wrong with adding dirt, I don't see quite enough brown materials here. Instead of all the dirt, his pile would benefit…

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