How To Make A Compost Tumbler (Fast, Cheap and Easy) I'm glad it has holes drilled... that's the downfall of most tumblers. If you're looking to do this with less labor, just take the barrel and sit it straight up- cover it with 3/16" holes.  Forget the tumbling aspect, just start it with 12" of shredded browns, then with each deposit of food scraps, add double the amount in brown materials. By the time that fills, you'll have compost on the bottom. The easiest option is to have a second one to start filling while the first one finishes... doing this, you'll have a great back-and-forth system to work with.

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Composting Indoors In Teracotta Pots Here's an incredibly simple and effective system for composting indoors- I've seen the stacking pots system done once or twice in the past, but clearly not yielding good results. In this case, however, all the concerns of my previous video were considered and the results are fabulous. The pots have the capacity needed, the bottom of the top pot is designed like a vermicomposting fall-through system, and she has a curing pot as well. Well done!  I hope this gains traction.  While the challenges mentioned in my indoor composting video are present, with a little practice and guidance, anyone can make this happen.

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Is Indoor Composting a Good Idea?

httpv:// After creating my video, I was shown a video of an indoor teracotta pot composting system in India that truly works...she's a pro! Check it out here: httpv:// While my video was referring specifically to a full sized compost bin or compost tumbler being set up indoors, which would be a mess... she's circumvented that with the stacking kambha system.  I'm very tempted to re-create this system. Give composting your best shot through the winter season- have some fun and get creative! Thanks for watching!

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