Worm Factory 360 review (video)

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAjrkL9D_WI When my friend told me he had a Worm Factory in his basement, I had to check it out. Although I use a Worm Inn system, I definitely like how this system works, too.  Check the video for my on-the-spot observations! When it comes to vermicomposting, I'm a big fan although it requires some attention to ensure the worms are happy. I've made my own worm bins in the past, and then decided to focus my attention on the Worm Inn system: better airflow, easier harvesting of castings. I kinda forgot about the Worm Factory 360.  It's been on the market for a while now, but I prefer outdoor composting in a typical cubic yard compost bin. I was hanging out at my friend's house, and he wanted me…

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Compost Window at Tyler School of Art

I was sifting through a few months' worth of pictures on the camera, and I found this gem: Can you tell what it is? It's a sideview of an indoor compost pile in action. Pretty cool! I spent some time at Tyler School of Art's "Coffree Mondays" hosted by Robert Blackson a few months ago, and it was a great vibe. I was asked to hang out and talk about waste and environmental issues. I thought there would be people to speak to, but the majority just wanted to get their free coffee and get the heck out of there. I couldn't blame them, I'm not an early riser and I definitely wasn't during my hellish time in school. The coolest thing they had besides encouraging the reusable lifestyle with…

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Begich Middle School Composting (video)

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIvpiUFms_Q I love seeing the kid in this video explaining the process, and he definitely gets it. We need more of this! Know of any schools that are composting near you? This is one of those things that I foresee really taking off in the coming years. Why? It's simple ownership of the students' (and staff's) waste that can merge nicely with an Environmental Science or Home Economics class that most if not all kids have to take at some point. Plus, these behaviors can make their way home and just like that our landfill impact drops. While Newt Gingrich made those extra-strength ignorant comments about replacing a custodian's job with students as young as 9 years old, maybe this is a little more realistic. Kids can take turns collecting…

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