How Is Compost Rated?

Ever wonder about how compost is rated for quality?  U.S. Composting Council website to the rescue: Seal of Testing Assurance I think it's a pretty safe bet that if you're looking to purchase compost, look for the U.S. Composting Council seal of certification.  Further, look to buy from a nursery as opposed to a huge retail chain to increase your chance of getting some good stuff.

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The Genius of Jean Pain (article) This guy is the master of thermal composting. You may have heard of him already; but if not, then get in the know.  Extremely inspiring work.  The difference here is that most people don't have tons (literally) of material to work with for thermal compost.  From utilizing tons of underbrush that he shreds to a specific size of 1" x 1/16" slivers, he is able to heat his own water and collect methane to power his house and car. I highly doubt this guy leaves his work unattended, but I can't help but think of what the local authorities think about him and his fire risk to the local woodlands!

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