Juicer waste update

I checked out the tumbler today, WOW.  Just shy of 100 degrees, full of bugs and smells delicious.  I might make a follow-up video tomorrow. Today my mom was in town, so we were talking about composting and fixing up my yard a bit.  She hauled away a bunch of the brush you can see in the background of all my videos, and was surprised that I gifted her a kitchen compost crock. It ends up that she's helping coordinate a gardening event in the spring, and so we strategized about how to collect all the event's compostable material and market the effort to the group.  It rules being able to talk trash with my mom. Speaking of talking trash, I filmed a video today about what to do with…

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my belated birthday present…

Today, I woke up in the morning and peeked out in the backyard... there was a big yellow kitty litter bucket.  I don't have cats, so this could only mean one thing... juicer waste!  My compost tumbler was pretty dead at the moment as I don't have much in the way of food scraps...but this should fire it right up.  I took the temperature before I put in the scraps: 70 degrees. Let's see what happens!

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Why Use Or Make Compost Tea? (article)

We all know that compost is a wonderful material especially those that practice organic gardening. What could be better than compost? Well how about compost tea. When you begin with good quality compost you will end up with a complete solution of nutrients and bacteria for all your gardening feeds. Compost tea helps: keep diseases off the plant with the many bacteria that it has. Provide an abundance of food needed for good growth. Destroy any toxins that hurt the plant. Improve the flavor and taste of vegetables. Produce more vibrant flowers. So why not give this tea a try either by buying it or brewing it yourself. You can now in many good nurseries buy this tea or start brewing the tea yourself. The results will amaze you, so…

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