Grasscycling – It’s OK to Let it Lay (article)

The internet is so boring today...and when I get bored, somehow I end up reading my home state's website.  I know- it's totally pathetic.  I've been working my way through their resources on composting, and I found a nice page on grasscycling. Yard waste makes up a large portion of our landfills, and the Fall season reminds me of this as I watch the leaves get swept up for the trash.  It's crazy, as leaves are super critical for composting.  Hoard them! But what about grass?  You can definitely compost without grass, and it's better left to stay where it lay.  Why is this?  Well, here's an excerpt from the DEP article "Grasscycling - It's OK to Let it Lay": "Grass clippings left on the lawn decompose and act as…

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