Turning The Fall/Winter Compost & the Worms are Alright!

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBX3f_VNGKQ In this later part of the video series, he gets the Geobin to start his next round of composting. I really liked his homemade bin, so I was surprised he shelled out some cash to get a bin. He mentioned wanting something portable, durable, mobile, and able to hold material easier. I think it should live up to that quite well. He also gets excited about red wigglers, which are always a nice surprise with large compost piles. Although he had winter temperatures well below zero, he still had red wigglers survive... resilient creatures they are!  

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How To Make A Compost Bin – Timelapse

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HjT6zFs7eg Here's a pretty clean-cut video on building a three chamber compost bin.  There must be a thousand videos on how to make a compost bin, and they're all slightly different designs. I wouldn't get hung up on it.  As long as you can open it up to remove the finished contents without breaking your back, you should be good to go with whatever design you choose. Don't worry about getting in there to turn the pile over, all that does is allow heat to escape from the active center.  

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