How to Cut Your Trash in Half by Skipping One TV Episode Per Week

Do you want to start composting right away, but you have an endless number of questions and you're not sure where to start? Or maybe you're tired of looking at a stagnant, slimy compost pile, baffled as to why it isn't breaking down after six months...or even longer? There were so many tricks I wish I knew when I first started composting.  My new guide will get you on the fast track to quality compost in less than ten minutes a week- seriously! In this new e-book, you will discover: -The 5 make-or-break factors to having an efficient compost pile -How to cut your trash in half in less than ten minutes a week -How to eliminate pests and odors with one simple trick -Identify how and when your compost…

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Easy Low Cost Composting with Free Coffee Grounds and Wood Chips

httpv:// Great video, but I have a few concerns: He mentions not adding meat to the compost pile... just add it. Meat and dairy products are absolutely compostable, and although he mentions needing a hot pile to do so, interesting enough those very items heavily contribute to creating heat within a compost pile! As long as you have at least double the amount of brown materials as you do food scraps/meat/dairy products, you'll be fine. This dude has plenty of energy and a large pile able to handle any meat he may have. Also- I've never seen someone add so much dirt to a compost pile... while there's nothing wrong with adding dirt, I don't see quite enough brown materials here. Instead of all the dirt, his pile would benefit…

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Compost for Spring: Leaves, Used Coffee Grounds, & Garden Waste (Leaf Compost)

httpv:// This time around, coffee grounds and sunchoke stalks are the main ingredients paired with leaves. Since timing isn't critical for obtaining finished compost, the leaves are unshredded. Leaves are one of the few ingredients that compost on their own, so whether they're shredded or not doesn't'll just get much quicker results by shredding them. I like the hoop house idea for keeping the heat in and the worms warm...great video, Patrick!

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