Organic Fertilizing With Unknown Guy (video)

httpv:// I wish I knew this guy's name... I like the way he communicates his excitement about compost.  I always wondered if it was the compost that was making my skin feel different.  I personally have a hard time believing that strictly organic compost would create this effect, but I get what he's saying...he loves playing with dirt.  Me too. Organic compost or not, you're doing the right thing.  Get decomposing, people!

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Managing Waste Easier With A Compost Tumbler (article)

A compost tumbler is certainly a welcome innovation for people who want to help the environment though composting. Among the many ways of managing waste to help reduce garbage output is composting. But some find the process tedious, making it harder for them to contribute to a greener earth. With the invention of compost tumblers, though, making compost becomes less of a hassle and a mess. Compost tumblers work by containing your compost and making it easier to mix your waste into the compost pile, eliminating the labor of having to turn it yourself with the use of a spade, shovel or pitchfork. Turning your waste in the pile helps it become compost faster. The designs of compost tumblers are also pleasant to the eye as compared to ordinary, open…

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