Cambodia Composting in Place

Siem Reap, Cambodia is an awesome place to visit- I highly recommend checking it out. Of course, I was curious how their food waste is handled. When I was near Angkor Wat, I noticed what appeared to be large scale passive composting efforts. There were huge piles of leaves gathered up and (I think?) some food scraps in the middle. Excellent!

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Home is Where the Cover Material Is

I envy the cover material at this place! Leaves, pine needles (don't need a lot), dead grass, etc... I was asked to build up a fresh pile, so I added a good 12" of base material, then added the food scraps followed by another 6" of cover materials. While I doubt it will start up since it's 20 degrees out, as soon as it's ready it'll take off.  In the meantime, there's a few months' room for weekly contributions until the temperature stays above freezing for a few days. I'm sure we'll get our January burst of 70 degree weather for a day out of nowhere, anyway...

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