Compost for Spring: Leaves, Used Coffee Grounds, & Garden Waste (Leaf Compost)

httpv:// This time around, coffee grounds and sunchoke stalks are the main ingredients paired with leaves. Since timing isn't critical for obtaining finished compost, the leaves are unshredded. Leaves are one of the few ingredients that compost on their own, so whether they're shredded or not doesn't'll just get much quicker results by shredding them. I like the hoop house idea for keeping the heat in and the worms warm...great video, Patrick!

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Turning The Fall/Winter Compost & the Worms are Alright!

httpv:// In this later part of the video series, he gets the Geobin to start his next round of composting. I really liked his homemade bin, so I was surprised he shelled out some cash to get a bin. He mentioned wanting something portable, durable, mobile, and able to hold material easier. I think it should live up to that quite well. He also gets excited about red wigglers, which are always a nice surprise with large compost piles. Although he had winter temperatures well below zero, he still had red wigglers survive... resilient creatures they are!  

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Why Are My Worms Trying to Escape?

httpv:// I recently got the new Worm Inn MEGA vermicomposting system and a fresh batch of worms, too! Being the third time around, I was plenty prepared for the first few days of retaining 5 lbs of worms. It can be tricky to keep the super tiny red wigglers from escaping if they want to...however, you can outsmart them. The zipper on the Worm Inn leaves the tiniest little gap at the top that the most adventurous of worms may find.  All you need is a piece of tape: After the first few days, you can remove's just the initial anxiety period for the worms that most every vermicomposter will experience. It makes sense though... the worms are being placed in a brand new home after being shipped from…

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