How to Screen Worm Compost (video)

httpv:// Here's a neat video on how to screen worm compost.  Cassandra keeps it simple in this video and has some nice results.  I do pretty much the same thing, except my screen is a repurposed basket with a piece of wire mesh placed in the bottom. She makes mention of running a fan over the top of the castings when you first harvest's true- when you first remove your castings and put the worms back, the stuff is so gooey that a screen doesn't work so well.  Drying them out just a bit will help, although I wouldn't want to dry them too much and risk losing some of their benefit.

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Worm Composting Feeding Tips (video)

httpv:// I just found this web channel called Big Tex Worms, and she has some great videos to check out on the topic of vermicomposting.  You'll see that my website gets really worm-centric in the colder months as the outdoor methods slow down to a crawl here in the northeast. This video shows some pretty standard methods for preparing worm feed, but when it gets to Step 4, I was definitely surprised.  I've never seen anyone make worm food into balls first, and I wonder what the point is.  I guess they're handy and represent a fixed amount of material for your worms to digest. If they don't start eating it within a few days, that means they might not like it and it's I guess it's a good…

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