Is Compost the Secret to Making Ag Climate Friendly? (article)

By Rachel CernanskyClimate, ENVIRONMENT, FARMINGOriginally found here: This story is part of Covering Climate Now, a global collaboration of more than 250 news outlets to strengthen coverage of the climate story. It’s no secret that organic farmers believe in compost, but just what role compost plays in soil’s ability to store carbon—and keep it out of the atmosphere, where it contributes to climate change—has been less clear. A recent study out of the University of California, Davis suggests that compost plays a larger role than once thought in building soil carbon. It also found that carbon levels fluctuate more in deeper soil than most evaluation methodologies tend to account for. In practical terms, the findings could mean compost has been undervalued by agricultural incentive programs, and that we’ve been…

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Interview with Dr. Michael Mulvaney

In response to my video, "You Just Composted WHAT?", I decided to look for a soil scientist to hear their thoughts on some controversial "compostable" items that are often written about: waxed cardboard, condoms, eggs contaminated with salmonella, etc. Who stood out most to me was Dr. Michael Mulvaney.  His blog, named "The Dirt Dude", has lots of excellent material about soil and agriculture, and I could tell he would be able to provide some great feedback for my wonderful readers.  So here we go: TW: When did you decide you were so interested in soil and pursue a career?  Was it an early childhood fascination for you?  Tell me a bit about how you got to where you are now.  What are your goals as an agronomist, and what…

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