Harris Interactive Memo on Composting – Dec 27th, 2013
Original link to Memo found here: http://www.recycle.cc/2013-1227NW&RA_composting_survey_executive_summary_010814.pdf When it comes to composting, there is definitely a sense of how important it is with three-quarters (77%) agreeing they understand the importance of implementing a separate management process for food/waste disposal versus disposing of it with their general household waste. But, while they understand the importance, seven in ten Americans (72%) do not compost at all. Of those who do, 16% compost at home, 9% compost in their community and 4% compost in some other way. How can we get more Americans to compost? Make it easier as, among those who do not already compost, two-thirds (67%) agree they would be willing to compost their food waste if it was more convenient to do so in their community. And, if there was…