What Things Make Great Compost & What Things Shouldn’t Be Composted
Have you ever checked out the website earth911.com? I've checked it out plenty when it comes to finding recycling avenues for anything imaginable...but I never thought to see if they had any material on composting. It turns out that they do, and I've been asked a lot about starting a compost pile in the winter. While composting isn't easy in the wintertime, it is doable. Let's see what earth911 has to say about it in the article below... Just as you started to get into a solid groove with your compost pile this past summer and fall, churning over plentiful amounts of that beautiful garden gold, BAM! Winter hits. But don’t throw in the shovel just because a white blanket of snow or a hardened sheet of ice now sits…
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Um07cEViUFU I now have a new item on my list for things to do before I die. Creating a compost pile in West Africa is obviously not the same as making one here in west Philadelphia. The mix of materials, the group effort, and especially the dancing during the compaction step makes this video so great to watch...this puts all my efforts to shame! It's great to observe the differences here... they aren't adding shredded cardboard and paper to their pile. Instead, they have large windrows filled with chicken and cow manure, sorghum chat, millet, etc. Further, their soil is really acidic, so they add cook fire ash to help neutralize the process. I have no doubt that they create beautiful compost, and I hope to one day participate in…