Lots and Lots of Worm Poop – Now What?

It's been six months since I've emptied the Worm Inn system- I admit I forgot about the worms for a bit, but now I have a ton of castings. Every time I empty the Worm Inn, I'm always so impressed with the quality of the castings compared to the results from a standard worm bin. When looking at the outlying "contaminants", it's like looking back in time at mistakes that were made- as you can see, I have a few! I'm such a stickler about removing labels from fruit, but I guess I wasn't on a few occasions.  Luckily, these are easy to spot. 2. All those plastic shreds were clearly from an envelope that has a plastic window.  I like to shred my paper, but I must have shredded…

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When is Your Compost Ready to Use? (video)

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0Hf_IcS_5U When is your compost ready to use? Some questions to ask yourself include: How does it look? Can you recognize any of the material? How does it smell? Is the material warm? Here I have a few different samples of compost...vermicompost, tumbler compost, commercial compost, and trench compost. What do you think of these samples?  I feel like my tumbler compost and vermicastings could both go even longer before using them, but that they're still OK if I were to use them now.  In fact, I'm going to use these samples for my next "Clash of The Composts!" experiment coming soon... stay tuned!

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