The Clash of the Composts! vol. 2

httpv:// It's time for Clash of the Composts round 2, and this time I'm growing chives.  The 4 soil types are: worm castings, tumbler compost, commercial compost and trench compost/dirt. This time around was pretty much the homemade worm castings and tumbler compost outperformed the commercial compost and the regular dirt by a bit. One cool thing I noticed this time was how the commercial compost was free of weeds...this is due to the thermal kill levels of mass piles of compost, and it showed.  Perhaps that is also why it didn't do as well as my stuff. The obvious conclusion here, like last time, is that compost definitely helps your stuff use it! Hit the Like button and let me know if you've tried comparing compost types…

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How do you Empty the Worm Inn? (video)

httpv:// I've been getting a lot of email regarding how to empty the Worm Inn composting system: How do you get the castings out? How do you keep the worms from escaping? Do you have to screen through all the material you just put in? All questions with super simple answers. Since worms eat the material from the bottom up, they leave behind their precious castings. As you can see in the video, you simply open the drawstrings and take them out. If you find a worm, you've reached the end of your castings and you simply put the worm back in the top of the Worm Inn. There may be an odd piece of unprocessed material as you dig through the castings, but as with the worms, just put…

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When is Your Compost Ready to Use? (video)

httpv:// When is your compost ready to use? Some questions to ask yourself include: How does it look? Can you recognize any of the material? How does it smell? Is the material warm? Here I have a few different samples of compost...vermicompost, tumbler compost, commercial compost, and trench compost. What do you think of these samples?  I feel like my tumbler compost and vermicastings could both go even longer before using them, but that they're still OK if I were to use them now.  In fact, I'm going to use these samples for my next "Clash of The Composts!" experiment coming soon... stay tuned!

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