My Experience With Vermicomposting (article)

I found this story, which explains one guy's solution to living in an apartment and wanting to compost.  There wasn't really an option to set up anything large or create something unique, so he went with the worm bin.  I really think worm bins are going to catch on in the future and be more or less well known as something to do. Why should you care?  Well, you shouldn't.  I can't tell you what to do, and frankly I don't want to.  But I can assure you it's fun to compost and that you should give it a shot.  Don't you miss trying out science experiments?  I hated school, but I always loved trying new things...and this is the perfect candidate and it's pretty darn foolproof when you know…

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What’s the secret to successful composting through the winter?

What's the secret to successful composting through the winter? Building a worm bin, of course. Now don't get afraid, just stay with me here. For some reason, people get scared by the thought of having worms in their kitchen. I promise it's not bad, and you'll learn to love it. New to worms? I'll explain what you need to know so you can get started in no time. Backyard composting is my favorite, I love to do it and spend time every day with my dirt. I'm not even much of a gardener, I just love the dirt. However, when winter arrives it can really slow down the composting process and I don't really like going outside so much. The solution to this is creating your own worm bin. Sure,…

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