Summer Worm Composting: So Far, So Good

I've been enjoying the Worm Inn Mega this summer with no issues, and it's simply due to having ample cover material. The Worm Inn Mega is big enough for there to be plenty of cover material to begin can really load it up to prevent flying pests and also keep the worms busy. I actually have a hard time filling it up because the worms are just mowing through the material- Capacity really makes the whole process a lot easier. I just realized that you might not have heard about this system... Have you seen the Worm Inn Mega yet?  Check out my dorky review below for more information... this is my top recommendation for those of you out there looking to compost at home but lack the outdoor…

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How to Add Bedding to a Worm Bin

Here's my quick tips for how to add food scraps and a new layer of bedding to your worm system.  The key is to keep your food scraps covered with damp bedding. Here's how a worm system dying for new material looks: 1) Fill bucket with cardboard.  I have about half a bucket here, which is enough for my Worm Inn Mega. 2) Add enough water to submerge all the'll notice it only takes an inch of water...cardboard shrivels up significantly when you push down on it. 3) Let the cardboard soak.  I made a smoothie while I waited.  Drain out the excess water. 4) Add your food scraps first, followed by your damp bedding.  This is key!  You want the bedding to cover your food scraps entirely to…

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Do Compost Piles Need to be Watered?

I just got back from a two week trip, and the first thing I thought about was 'how are my compost systems doing?' It ends up that things are pretty good. It hasn't rained here much, so I added water to my compost bins. This is a new behavior for me- it's normally stated as unnecessary to water compost systems, but I think this mostly applies to poorly designed compost systems that don't have adequate aeration, therefore becoming that damp and smelly nightmare we've heard of but probably haven't experienced. My new trash can composting system (seen below) was looking pretty dried out. The key reason: air holes. This isn't a big deal, and I'd rather have this situation than a soggy mess (not that that can't be cured quickly…

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