Migration Harvest After Worms Were Neglected for 103 Days

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwkpzPYXNkE It's great to see that worms aren't as high maintenance as it seems... I tend to view them as pets, but I'm starting to re-think that. Given the right conditions, they can go for months without new food. Remember that once they eat all the food scraps, they'll get to work on the bedding. The less work, the better- worms will stick around with just a little bit of effort.

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Worms: Thousands Escaping Compost Bin

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4l0KlHq5ig Yes, this can happen.  Check my previous post for how to prevent this. 1) Have the worm system full of material for several days in advance.  Make sure you have damp, shredded cardboard as well as food scraps and some old vermicompost or leaves.  Variety is good. 2) Hang a light over the system for several days when you add your worms.  This will discourage them from climbing out the top.

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