Worx Leaf Shredder Review
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2i-efD1m2E&feature=youtu.be The Worx WG430 Leaf Shredder has quickly become my favorite composting tool for its speed, ease of use and quality of the finished leaves. I used a Black & Decker Leaf Hog until I realized I could do more with less energy using a standing shredder instead of a shoulder-mounted one. The Worx shredder is essentially a weed whacker on a frame, and it sets up in seconds: Put the legs in the stand, put the shredder unit on top of the stand and plug it in. It's loud, and it's kind of a mess. It ejects leaves up into the air quite a bit, and you MUST wear glasses and a dust mask if you want to have fun using it. For my routine, I sweep up a…