What you can and can’t compost curbside in Portland

Who cares about a composting video from another town?  I do!

I think the biggest takeaway is the “No” category- specifically the take-out containers… even when they say “compostable” on them.

Unfortunately, a hefty chunk of products that “feel” like they’re made of paper also have a layer of plastic sandwiched in there.

I understand why it’s in there (kind of)… if the food stays in there long enough without that crap, it’ll seep right through the paper and make a mess.  Take out food is awesome when you’re feeling lazy, but it also totally sucks from a waste perspective.

While I’m at it- Why is it that Grubhub allows you to “try to save the earth” and select no utensils, napkins, sauces, etc, but you always get them anyway?  What’s up with that?

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