Building a compost pile right before the snowstorm

I’m long overdue on building a new compost pile- I’ve been adding to my cubic yard sized compost bin for well over a year, and I’d like to start a new pile so this one is finished 15 months from now in the spring.

It’s been cold out but not cold enough- I wanted to build my pile when it was below freezing for a few days, and now there’s about to be a snowstorm… perfect!

The bigger the compost pile the better when it comes to getting through the winter- although I don’t have that much to start with (one bucket of food scraps, two bags of leaves), it should be enough to get going.

Over the next few weeks I plan on adding various manures to bring the temperature up and hopefully lure in the composting worms from next door.

Sounds like fun to me. 🙂

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