Composting in the Winter

It’s that time of year where the emails start coming in to ask how to keep composting through the winter.  While it takes some up-front effort, it is possible.

If you’ve already lost all the heat in the pile, keep adding to it until it can’t get any bigger.  Once the temperatures rise just enough for the process to get going again, it will.

That’s the bright side of those days we have each year in the winter where it’s 60 degrees for no apparent reason.

Collect as many bags of leaves as you can, since this will be your insulation and cover material throughout the winter.  I slacked off this year, but still managed to shred a few bags’ worth.

Now’s the time where covering your pile with a hefty layer of straw makes a HUGE difference in keeping the heat in.

When you go outside to the pile each week to empty your food scraps, be as quick as you can… you can watch the steam coming off the pile and the temperature will drop quickly.  Once the temperature drops off, it’s hard to bring it back.

So there you have it- bundle up the bin, or work with worms inside the house.

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