How to Start Balcony Composting in 15 Minutes or Less – Update 1

Balcony composting is a great way to compost in small spaces if you’re not the worm composting type.  Recently I posted a video on how to get started balcony composting in 15 minutes or less, and the response to the video has been great so far.

For the non-video people, I wanted to show you an updated picture of how it’s going.  Pictured above, is the two bucket system, and I found a piece of scrap trim from renovating the kitchen to use as an aerator.  So, how’s it looking?

Exciting, right?  While there’s plenty of room to add more food scraps and such, it’s already obtaining some nice toasty temperatures thus far…pretty cool!  I’m not sure how many updates I’ll have on this particular system, but if anything weird happens I’ll definitely post it up.

Speaking of weird, I started making another balcony composting video, starring a different composting method.  I’ll give you a hint- the video will be done in about six weeks, and it might stink really bad momentarily if all goes according to plan.  Any guesses as to what I’m referring to?  First person to guess the specific method will win a mystery prize from me (if they want). 🙂

Keep it dirty!


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